
1st September 2011

The letter waiting on her bed looked crumpled and grubby, yellowed with age. She switched on the bedside lamp, shrugged out of the heavy habit and hung it in the wardrobe. Clad only in her shift, she sat down with a sigh of relief, ruffled her short hair, then picked up the envelope and held it under the meagre light. Not a handwriting she was familiar with. Scrawled, immature letters…


One Red Square

1st August 2011

It was so cold that her breath whispered in the clear, night air and the snow crunched sharply under her feet. A big fat moon, skewered upon the spike of St. Basil’s Cathedral’s central core, vied for attention with the bright, modern lights the square lately had acquired. She walked briskly from St. Basil’s towards the red brick building of the State Historical Museum, less garishly lit and exhaling its…


Mary’s Place…. or Who is to Blame?

1st June 2011

Mary Straker, who has been nicknamed “The Screecher” by most female UFO fans, especially most fanfiction writers, is a highly controversial character, as is her marriage with Ed Straker. And if she is not deemed to be in the wrong and utterly obnoxious, she is usually written back into his life and as his wife, as if things were that simple either. This persistent one-sided treatment of the character, whom…


The Things We Never Say

1st June 2011

“Here, Commander,” the staff nurse pointed at the fine, dotted line, just as the church bells across the road chimed ten times. Distracted he placed his scrawl underneath the official discharge form, waited for his copy and folded it into his breastpocket, while he walked out of the hospital. His stay at Mayland had been perfunctory, making sure he was unharmed by the lack of oxygen during that submarine accident…


The Fishmonger’s Daughter

1st February 2011

As with all my UFO stories it is transposed to the current day, with general technology updated, but none of the other facts altered in any way. This story takes place the December (still during the inception of SHADO) following the concluding events of Confetti Check A-OK earlier that year in spring. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and…


Calan Gaeaf

1st February 2011

  “Trajectory termination?” “South Pacific, Commander, grid reference O-Blue-12-08, sir!” Keith Ford turned to his commanding officer, eyeing him warily. Ever since that girl had died under such atrocious circumstances the commander had not been his usual acerbic, but at least calm and fair self. Instead he had been irascible on top of caustic, and he had taken it out more than once on his staff. While Ford could well…