Gabrielle Drake Part 2

3rd June 2011

Another role she undertook is that of playwright when she wrote “Dear Scheherazade” which is a one woman show about author Elizabeth Gaskell who was the biographer of Charlotte Brontë. The title comes from how Charles Dickens addressed her. The play is a one woman show which Gabrielle still does at different times around England and once on a cruise to Morocco. Another role Gabrielle has found herself in is…


Gabrielle Drake Part 1

1st May 2011

By: James Killian (author) I have been a fan of Gabrielle Drake since I first saw her in UFO in 1972 when I was recovering from problems with my Diabetes. To be honest, I had a bit of a schoolboy crush on her and I was old enough to start college. Such is the effect of the woman who is without a doubt one of the most beautiful in the…