The Croath Journals

1st April 2012

We have talked our General of Aggressive, Croath, into sharing with us some of his thoughts on the issues of the 9th Seed world. All right, we stole copies of his journals and are reproducing them herein because we thought our readers would like to know what he really thinks, the stuck up … what do you mean he’s here???? Upload the copies, I’ll take care of this … Sounds…


Identified: Drabbles

1st April 2012

1. AnDelenDir The world turned into a merry-go-round, then he was thrown clear of the car and watched it burst into flames. Was that a bloody hand scrabbling uselessly against one of the window-panes? He rolled down the incline, a sharp pain in his wrist as the briefcase was yanked off the chain, and the coppery taste of blood in his mouth. Pain in his chest, the acrid smell of…



1st April 2012

Er hakte hinter Fosters Fuß und brachte ihn aus dem Gleichgewicht. Foster krachte auf die Matte, Lew Waterman über ihm. Bevor er reagieren konnte, drückte Lew ihn mit seinem Gewicht auf den Boden und gab ihm keine Chance, sich zu befreien. „Gibst du auf?“ presste Waterman zwischen zusammengebissenen Zähnen hervor. „Ja, ja, lass mich los“, keuchte Foster. Lew rollte sich vom Körper seines Gegners herunter, bevor er leichtfüßig aufsprang. Er…


Fight for Survival

1st April 2012

He caught Foster’s leg and swiped it away, catching him off balance. Foster crashed onto the mat, Lew Waterman on top of him before he could retaliate. Lew pinned him down and sprawled on the body, not giving him any possibility of moving. “Do you surrender?” Waterman hissed through clenched jaws. “Yes, yes, let me go,” Paul Foster gasped. Lew rolled aside before flipping himself back to his feet. He…


No Man is an Island

1st February 2012

‘So, which cheese do you use to hide a horse?’ Freeman’s voice was rough and grating but Straker could hear the note of amusement. He stopped paddling and twisted round, taking care not to unsettle the boat. ‘It’s hot. I am getting sunburnt. And all you can think about is telling jokes?’ ‘Better than sitting here moaning. And anyway you need to lighten up Ed. It’s not that serious.’ Alec…


Still Life With Secretary

1st February 2012

Author note: OK, for some reason Ms. Ealand decided to be Millicent this time … Dedicated to Hoodie and Fignutz who decided to argue over my lap. *** After a long day at work, Millicent Ealand opened the door to her flat to be greeted with a pounce and a fluff “Good evening,” she greeted the cats in her most dulcet tones. It was late and Georges was irate. The…



1st February 2012

This story continues the events in ‘Moonlight: Breathless 1’. and Vodka: Breathless 11 Readers may also wish to read One Red Square by AnDelenDir as a prelude to this story.   ‘So, we are in agreement then? You will have to move to England for a few months to familiarise yourself with our…. organisation.’ Straker looked across the table at Dimitri. ‘but then you will reassigned back here, all being well.’…


Memento Mori

1st February 2012

  ‘Skydiver. Come in, Skydiver.’ Keith Ford gave a despairing glance at the monitor before he spoke once more. ‘Captain Waterman; please respond.’ A hiss of static answered him. He didn’t look up, didn’t want to see the faces watching and listening as he struggled to get some answer. Anything but that mocking whisper of white noise. ‘Keep trying.’ The quiet order came from the man standing at his right…