
17th August 2012

She started paddling for speed long before the peak was much more than a roller. She had to be travelling- laying on her board, faster than the wave in order to catch it. Some surfers could drop in late, when the wave was already curling over, the bottom dropping out, and slide into the tube or shoot out way in front of the crushing lip of the tube. Then lean…


Gay Ellis Considers Her Favourite Things

17th August 2012

Craters on Moonbase, and chest hair on Foster, Summer approaching, and holiday roster Launched interceptor, moon under its wings These are a few of my favourite things. Guys in blue flight suits, unzipped to the navel Skydiver Captain, with eyes that are hazel, Lt. Lewis in vest made of string, These are a few of my favourite things. Cream-clad Commander, with crisp way of talking Blond-haired and slender, so elegant…