Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons: Crisis 6

Crisis smallThe Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle sped from the mouth of the tunnel and rolled to a halt at the toll booth. With a smooth whirr of machinery, a hatch opened and the seat mechanism gently lowered Captain Grey to the ground. As the seat came to rest, Grey released his safety harness and walked quickly over to the operator’s cabin. Captain Ochre, meanwhile, had contacted Cloudbase and reported their discovery.

“That’s right, Lieutenant.” Ochre replied to a question from Lieutenant Green. “About ten miles inside the tunnel.”

“And you say that the car was burnt out?” asked Lieutenant Green.

“Totally.,” confirmed Ochre. “There was no way the passengers could have survived.”

“I have all that.” said Green when he’d finished taking down the details from Captain Ochre. He pressed a control and his chair moved along the console. He entered the details of the vehicle registration, found by the two Spectrum officers and awaited the printed slip of paper from the computer banks. Within seconds it had slid from a slot. Green quickly re-opened the communications channel to Captain Ochre.

The toll-booth operator had been more than glad of Captain Grey’s company. Since the tunnel had closed, he had technically been unemployed but, since he was close to retirement anyway, the management had let him stay on to warn people that the tunnel was closed. It didn’t matter one little bit that Spectrum had been banned. That was down to the politicians. The same politicians, probably, who’d ordered that he be unemployed, just because the tunnel wasn’t making money. He aired his grievances to Captain Grey.

“Them an’ their blasted balance sheets,’ he growled. “’Specially that so ‘n so Grayson. I knew there’d be trouble, I did, soon as I saw ‘im. Drove up, he did, ‘im an’ ‘is greasy smile ‘Letter from the President for you.’ ‘e said an’ gaveone of ‘is laughs. Then ‘e drove off before I could open the letter. I’m not surprised neither.”

“Why?” asked Grey. “What did it say.”

“It was from the President alright,” replied the operator. “It was the order to close the tunnel. That’s the last time I vote for that guy, I can tell you. Put me out of work it ‘as.”

“Do you still have the letter?” asked Ochre who had just joined Grey and had only heard the tail end of the conversation.

“Course I ‘ave, replied the operator. “’Ang on, I’ll go an’ get it.” With that, he disappeared into his office.

“Any luck?” asked Grey.

“Yeah.” replied Ochre.“Lieutenant Green was able to run down the car registration…’ he broke off as the operator emerged from his office.

“’Ere you are.” he smiled. “I knew I ‘ad it somewhere.” He passed the letter to Ochre. There was no mistaking the Presidential seal affixed to the bottom.

“Who did you say gave this to you?” asked Ochre, handing back the paper.

“Senator Grayson,” growled the operator.

“One final question,’ began Ochre.“Do you remember if Grayson had anyone with him in the car?”

“No,” the operator said after a moment’s thought.

“You’re sure about that?” Ochre asked excitedly.

“Positive.” replied the operator.

“Thanks,” said Ochre gratefully. “You’ve been a great help.”

“Come on, ” he called to Grey. With that, he turned and ran back to the S.P.V. followed by a rather puzzled Captain Grey.
“Thank you, sergeant. You’ve been most helpful.” Scarlet stood up.
Harker had confirmed that Grayson had been the last person to see the President before the latter’s collapse. That, coupled with his behaviour just before the Senator had entered, convinced him of one thing – the World President was in mortal danger. He would have to be rescued and taken to Cloudbase where, perhaps, Doctor Fawn could take care of him. He headed once more for the lifts.
Once the two Spectrum Officers were safely ensconced in the S.P.V., Captain Ochre felt free to tell Grey what he’d learned.
“Lieutenant Green was able to trace the owner of the car we found,” he told Grey. “It belonged to none other than Senator Charles Grayson.

“Then that means…” began Captain Grey.

“Yes,” agreed Ochre, “the REAL Senator Grayson is dead.”

“And Grayson’s attacks on us weren’t just empty rhetoric. He really DOES want to smash Spectrum.”

“Yes,” agreed Ochre. “It ties in with the Mysteron warning that we were already powerless.”

“Then we’ll have to find the President and convince him that Grayson is a Mysteron,” replied Grey.

“That’s going to be easier said than done,” muttered Ochre as the S.P.V. accelerated away from the Toll booth. He opened a communications channel to Lieutenant Green. “This is Captain Ochre to Cloudbase. Please advise on the current location of the World President.”
Lieutenant Green was surprised at Ochre’s request. Fortunately, the computers were able to come up with the information within seconds. He was even more surprised at Ochre and Grey’s discovery. Once the report was complete, he opened another channel. “This is Cloudbase to all Spectrum agents. You are advised that Senator Charles Grayson is a
Mysteron agent.”
Outside, the Cloudbase navigation beacons glowed a little less brilliantly as the sable blackness of the night sky began to give way to the first dim light of the approaching dawn.

The lift doors slid open. As he stepped out, Scarlet noticed that the other lift had just left this floor. Any further thoughts in that direction were driven from his mind by the blood-curdling scream of terror from the direction of the President’s room. He broke into a run. As he reached the room, he paused. The customary bodyguard had gone and the door was slightly ajar.

He paused, holding his breath and listened. The only sound was of someone breathing, almost panting. Scarlet knew there was no time to waste. In one fluid motion he had kicked the door open and dived through. Cautiously, he rose to his feet and looked around him. Nurse Daniels was standing beside the bed, her clenched knuckles pressed tightly to her mouth, eyes staring,
oblivious to all save the figure sprawled lifelessly on the bed. The single bullet hole in the head said it all, the dark powder stain around it indicating that it had been fired at close range. Jaeger had obviously seen too much thought Scarlet. He became aware once more of the shallow breathing of the nurse. Gently, he released the grip of her hand on the sheet that she’d pulled back from the consultant’s head and pulled it back over his sightless eyes. As he did so, he noticed a flash of blue from the corner of his eye. He’d have to check up on that after he’d taken care of the nurse.

Taking her free hand, he led her unprotesting into the corridor. A little way up the corridor, was a small row of seats. Scarlet sat her gently down on one of them. Her eyes were still wide, still seeing the horror in the bed.
“Shock.” muttered Scarlet to himself as he slipped back into the room. He looked around until he finally spotted it. He reached down under the bed and his fingers closed upon a familiar shape. As he’d thought, a Spectrum Pistol, from the colour coded top, Captain Blue’s. How it came to be here, Scarlet had no idea, but he knew that it must not be discovered near the body. After all, What better way would there be to incriminate Spectrum even further than by kidnapping the President, killing the specialist treating him, probably the only witness to the kidnapping, and then planting evidence implicating Spectrum. Quickly he hid the pistol inside his lab coat.
Once more, he slipped outside. The nurse sat motionless. He waved a hand in front of her eyes. No response. He’d get nothing from her. All he’d be able to do for her would be to call for a doctor. There was a telephone on a nearby table. A small placard was attached to the wall next to it. ‘FOR MEDICAL STAFF ONLY’ Scarlet read. He shrugged his shoulders. This was an emergency after all. He picked up the handset.

“Geneva hospital, two minutes.” Captain Ochre reported to Cloudbase.

“S. I. G.” Acknowledged Lieutenant Green.

“Yes?” the voice of the duty sister at the other end was tetchy, impatient.

The impatience soon disappeared when Scarlet requested a doctor be called to attend the stricken nurse and that a police surgeon be called.

“Right,” the duty sister told the caller “The doctor will be with you in two minutes. In the meantime, will you give me your name?”

But Scarlet had already replaced the receiver and was running for the lift. As he ran, Scarlet’s mind raced. Grayson had the President as a hostage, that he knew. What he didn’t know was how much start Grayson had. The consultant had been murdered as he’d tried to stop Grayson.

The body had been placed in the bed so that, to a casual observer, the President would have appeared to be sleeping and to delay the search. It had been by the merest fluke that Scarlet had been in the hospital. Had he not, the crime might not have been discovered for several hours – the nurse would probably have remained in a state of shock for hours.
On the plus side, however, the murder and also the fact that the President would not have been very mobile in his current state of health, meant that Grayson would have taken a great deal of time to make good his escape.
Scarlet suddenly remembered the other lift descending just as he’d stepped out of this one. The lift doors slid shut and he pressed the button for the Ground floor. With luck, he could still catch them.

The lift came to rest and the doors began to open. As Scarlet stepped through, there was a loud bang as the main support cable snapped and the lift car disappeared from view. A few seconds later, the sound of the car hitting the bottom of the shaft echoed upwards.

Scarlet looked back at the hole. He’d have been killed if he’d been inside the car when the cable broke. Perhaps it had been a delaying tactic by the Mysterons.

“You okay fella?” A young doctor came forward to help him “You could have been killed.”

“I’m fine.” replied Scarlet, brushing off the doctor’s attempts to help him

“Did you see where Senator Grayson went?” he asked

“Yeah, he went that way.” replied the doctor, pointing towards the exit

“Did he have anyone with him?” asked Scarlet

“Yeah, fella in a wheelchair.” replied the doctor

“How long ago was this?” asked Scarlet

“About two minutes.”
“Thanks.” the Spectrum officer called back as he sprinted through the main doors.
The cold air outside made Scarlet gasp. He shivered. A man could catch his death, he thought wryly. The sound of a car engine attracted his attention. He could see the tail lights of a saloon disappearing into the distance. Grayson had obviously had a car waiting. Scarlet looked around him for some form of transport. His gaze settled upon the only vehicle in sight. A little conspicuous perhaps, but at least it would be fast enough. Scarlet walked quickly up to it. The crew were absent, obviously inside the hospital building.

Fortunately, the keys had been left in the ignition. Scarlet climbed in
The two ambulance crewmen wheeled their now empty trolley along the corridor towards the exit satisfied at the feeling of a job well done. Mother and baby were doing well.

“Tell me, Mick,” the younger of the two began “Why don’t you write a book about the ambulance service, from our point of view. I’m sure it’d sell.”

The older man wasn’t convinced. He’d spent the best part of thirty years on the job. He couldn’t see anything worth writing about. He stroked his beard thoughtfully “I dunno.” he said slowly “After all, who’s going to want to buy it?
“Lots of people, I’m sure.” the younger man reassured him.

“Yes, but why me?” Mick protested “I’m not a writer.”

“But what about your poems?” insisted the younger man “All the guys at the station enjoy them. And don’t forget your articles for the service magazine. That one about the cat was hilarious.”

Mick smiled at the memory. Perhaps a few of the funnier anecdotes…
All further thoughts of a literary career were shoved to the back of their minds as they approached the glass doors leading out to the ambulance bay. As the doors slid obediently open, the both heard the sound of the ambulance’s engine.

“OY! GET OUT OF THERE!” Mick’s voice thundered. But it was too late.
With a squeal of tyres the ambulance sped away from the bay, its open rear doors swinging freely and banging on the sides as it careered across the hospital grounds in hot pursuit of the fleeing Grayson. As he approached the gate, Scarlet pressed the accelerator pedal to the floor.
The ambulance leapt forward through the gateway. At that moment, he spotted the lights of the S.P.V. bearing down upon him. He wrenched the steering wheel hard over and hit the brakes. The two vehicles missed by mere inches, the S. P. V screeching to a halt, the ambulance burying
its nose in a tree with a sickening crunch.

Captain Ochre waited just long enough for his hatch to open before releasing his harness and leaping from his seat. He sprinted over to the ambulance, ready to give the maniac inside the benefit of his opinion of them. As he approached, he could see the figure inside struggling to
release himself from the wreckage. He grabbed the figure’s white-clad shoulder and swung him round.

“Of all the stupid…” he began “Captain Scarlet!” he exclaimed as he recognised the figure.

“Senator Grayson’s got the President.” Scarlet told Grey as he helped him from the ambulance.

“I’ve got some news for you.” added Grey “Our friend Senator Grayson’s a Mysteron.”

Of course! That explained the faint feeling that Scarlet had felt when Grayson had dismissed him, thinking that he was a doctor.

“Come on!” said Scarlet, starting to run towards the S.P.V. “We’ve got to catch them.”

The two ambulancemen, running for all their worth, reached the S.P.V. at the same time as the Spectrum officers. As they ran, the had seen the near miss and the subsequent meeting between the ambulance and the tree.

“All right then,” panted an enraged Mick. “What’s the big idea?”
Once before, some joker had hidden his ambulance whilst he was answering an emergency call. He hadn’t found it funny then, either. This was about the only thing that could enrage the normally placid man.

“I’ll explain later.” replied Scarlet quickly.

“You’ll explain now!” an enraged Mick, lunging at Scarlet. It took the combined strength of Captain Grey and the other ambulanceman to restrain him until he’d heard what Scarlet had to say.

“But what about my ambulance?” Mick protested

“Captain Ochre,” Scarlet called. “Sort the crash out with the hospital will you?” he asked as Ochre popped his head out of the open hatchway.

“S. I. G.” replied Ochre descending to the ground.

“Now, if you wouldn’t mind sir? said Scarlet, indicating that the ambulanceman should get into the S.P.V.

“What?” asked Mick, puzzled by Scarlet’s suggestion.

“Get in!” said Scarlet bundling him inside.

“If the President is as ill as we fear,” said Grey by way of explanation as Scarlet steered the bulk of the S.P.V. through the gateway. “We’ll need someone medically trained to look after him.”
If we can get him back alive, that is, Scarlet thought grimly to himself.
As the sound of the S.P.V. died away, Ochre turned to the young ambulanceman beside him “We’d better get started.” he told him “Then I’ll buy you some coffee.

“Thanks.” replied the young man. “But what about Mick? I thought he was going to knock seven bells out of your mate.”

“He’ll be okay.” replied Ochre
Indeed, after his initial misgivings, Mick found that he was actually enjoying the ride as Captain Scarlet skilfully guided the S.P.V. along the winding roads through the mountains. Fortunately, there were no junctions or exits for another ten miles or so and despite the delays, they soon began to make up the lost ground between themselves and Grayson. As they travelled, the two Spectrum Officers each took the opportunity to bring the other up to date with everything that had happened to them. When they had finished, Scarlet turned to the ambulanceman. “I’m sorrywe had to kidnap you Mr…”

“Mick will do.” replied the ambulanceman with a smile. He hadn’t had so much excitement in years.
“All stand for his honour Chief Justice Kemsley.” the Clerk of the Court’s voice snapped Captain Blue out of his scrutiny of his surroundings. Court Number One was impressive. Unlike the other courts, this had retained its original wood panelling which had been cleaned and polished until it reflected the overhead lights with a warm golden glow. Under other circumstances, Blue was sure that he would have found it restful.
They had been brought here a few minutes before. From the windows in the corridor outside, Blue could see the early morning traffic as people drove in to work. The early morning sun shone from a cloudless sky, its rays warming his face. Judge Kemsley obviously liked to start early. The spectators in the visitors gallery had started an excited murmuring as they noticed the Spectrum uniforms.
On account of their injuries, Captain Blue and Destiny Angel sat in the seats that had been provided. Colonel White, however, elected to remain standing. Rigidly to attention, face expressionless, his eyes stared straight ahead of him.
The murmuring of the audience ceased as Judge Kemsley entered. Silently he entered the chamber and took his seat.

The Clerk of the Court rose. “Colonel White, Commander-in- Chief of the banned Spectrum Organisation, you and your colleagues are charged with High Treason in that you did criminally conspire to assassinate the World President. You are furthermore charged with failure to obey the orders of the World government and the attempted murder of Senator Charles Grayson.
How do you plead?”

Colonel White could only splutter in furious disbelief. After the years of service he’d given, first to the World Navy, then the Universal Secret Service and latterly as Commander-in-Chief of the Spectrum Organisation, to be charged with such crimes was against all reason.

Finally, he felt able to speak “My lord,” he began “I wish to protest in the strongest possible terms. Not only have we no defence counsel, we have had no chance to prepare our case, since we had no real idea of what charges were being brought against us.”

“I note your protest.” replied the Judge “However I would like to point out that TWO counsels were appointed and I understand that you rejected both of them.” White was speechless
Captain Blue leapt to his feet and gasped at the sudden pain from his ankle. “Objection!” he yelled “The first Counsel was a Mysteron booby trap, intended to destroy Cloudbase.”

“Please spare us your fantasies Captain.” the Judge rebuked him “Otherwise, I may be forced to have you committed. Your objection is overruled. As I said before,” the judge continued “You have seen fit to reject the Counsels appointed for you. I therefore appoint you, Colonel White as Defence Counsel.”

“Should I enter a plea of Not Guilty?” asked the Clerk of the Court.

“Don’t be ridiculous!” retorted Kemsley “Let it be entered that the accused REFUSED to plead.” The Clerk frowned. It was unlike the old boy. Normally, he would have directed that ‘Not Guilty’ be entered on the record. Still, his was not to reason why. He completed the form as instructed.
The figure nodded slowly as it read the sign then reached for the door control. The door slid open and admitted a tall figure wearing a long overcoat. Just visible beneath the hem were pair of jackboots. As the moving floor carried him toward the Security desk, automatic guns tracked the figure.

“I require copies of the records concerning the first Mysteron attack on the World President.” The figure told the Security Officer.

“Identification please.” demanded the Guard. A pass was produced, carefully scrutinised and then returned. The door to the vaults slid open at the touch of a hidden control under the Guard’s desk.

Within minutes, the figure had the tapes he required.

“Come to get evidence to clear Colonel White?” the Guard called to the figure as it left the vaults.

“Something like that.” came the reply as the floor carried the figure towards the exit. The door slid shut. It was strange that such a well known Spectrum officer should risk arrest to come here in person to collect the information, the Guard thought to himself. Perhaps, under the circumstances, he was the only one able to. Momentarily, he toyed with the idea of contacting
Cloudbase, then thought better of it. The Spectrum Officer’s pass had been genuine. Shaking his head wearily, he returned to his book.

Captain Blue slumped onto his seat dejectedly. Colonel White stood silently in the dock. The Counsel for the Prosecution rose to speak.

“My Lord,” he began.” I intend to show that these criminals have attempted to perpetrate the most heinous of crimes known to our society.” the man’s voice was low, almost monotonous.
Captain Blue knew that he’d heard it before. If only he could place it…
Whilst he had been addressing the Judge, the Prosecuting Counsel had managed to keep his back to the accused. Finally, however, he turned to face them. As he did so, Destiny gasped and put her hand to her mouth. It took a moment longer for the others to realise why. Then they saw what she had seen. Under the powdered wig and ornate robes was the pallid complexion of none other than Captain Black.

“It’s a kangaroo court, Colonel. We don’t stand a chance.” whispered Blue to White.

“I know, Captain.” was the whispered reply “I know.”

Despite its size, the S.P.V. could move swiftly on even the most sinuous of mountain roads and had rapidly made up the lost ground between it and the saloon which was now only a matter of yards ahead.
“We’ll have force them off the road.” Scarlet told Grey.

“S. I. G.” replied Grey.

“How are you going to do that?” asked Mick, worriedly, he had no wish to pick up bits of body from the wreck of a car. He’d done quite enough of that in his time. “We’ve only got a small first-aid kit aboard.”

“Don’t worry.” Grey reassured him “Captain Scarlet knows what he’s doing.”
Gently, he eased the vehicle forwards until it was running next to the fleeing car. The driver floored the accelerator pedal and the car shot forward. Scarlet, however, could not be beaten so easily. The S.P.V. easily caught it and regained its station. Scarlet waited until they were approaching an open, snow covered field before making his next move.
The slightest of touches on the controls brought the two speeding vehicles closer and yet closer until with an almost imperceptible bump, they collided.

The effect on the saloon was dramatic. With a squeal of brakes, it left the road, tearing a hole in the fence surrounding the field and hurtled into it. Totally beyond control, it ploughed a deep furrow in the snow, finally coming
to rest in a deep snowdrift. Scarlet slowed the S.P.V. to a more sedate pace before driving back to the hole and manoeuvring through it. Because the S.P.V. had been specially designed to cross any terrain, it was able to cross the snowy field and pulled up a short distance away from the saloon. As their respective hatches opened, Scarlet and Grey drew their guns, Grey his own and Scarlet the one that he’d liberated from the President’s room at the hospital.
“Cover me.” Scarlet ordered as he started towards the saloon.

“What about me?” asked Mick as he unbuckled himself from his seat.

“Wait here until I call you,” replied Scarlet. “There’s no point in risking your life needlessly. With that, he walked slowly toward the saloon, ready to dive for cover at the slightest sign of trouble.
As he approached, he noticed something strange. There was only one passenger visible. Scarlet could see him slumped forward over the steering wheel. Perhaps the President was laying on the rear seats.

Confident now that there was no danger, he pulled open the door. Gently, he grasped the driver’s shoulder and eased the unconscious form back from the wheel. He gasped as he recognised the face, blank and expressionless, though it was. The last time he’d seen that face had been at the hospital, moments before Grayson had entered the room. Grayson had eluded them. The driver of the car, in a deep trance, was none other than the World President.
“Captain Grey, Mick!” he yelled.

The two men ran as fast as they could across the difficult terrain. The Ambulanceman checked the President’s vital signs. “He’s alive, just,” he
Confirmed, “but we’ll have to get him to a hospital quickly.”

“Right.” acknowledged Scarlet “Captain Grey,” he turned to the other officer, “Contact Cloudbase and have Doctor Fawn put on standby.”

“S. I. G.” acknowledged Grey, pulling down his Cap Microphone.
Whilst Grey made the call, Scarlet helped the ambulanceman to carry the President to the waiting S.P.V. “Our nearest helicopter is stationed at a service station near the mouth of the Alpine Tunnel.” explained Scarlet. Once we reach it, we can have the President on Cloudbase within minutes.”

The call completed, Grey rejoined his colleagues in the S.P.V. which carefully drove back onto the road before accelerating towards the Service Station and the helicopter waiting there.

Captain Blue rose to his feet once more. “Your Honour,” he protested “These accusations are totally without foundation.”

“Objection overruled,” replied Kemsley, “And if these outbursts continue young man, I shall have you removed from the court.”
Blue returned to his seat seething with rage. Colonel White laid a restraining hand on Blue’s arm. “It’s as if they’re not interested in anything we have to say.” Blue whispered to White.
White nodded slowly in reply.

Meanwhile, Kemsley had directed Black to continue.
“I will now call the first witness.” Black told the court “Senator Charles Grayson.”

“Drilling completed sir.” reported the site foreman.

“Right, start laying charges.” replied Baxter, the project manager

“The sooner we blow this tunnel, the sooner we all get paid.” Fortunately, he was only being called upon to seal the entrances, not bring down the whole of the tunnel, but even so, he did not like tunnels one little bit. They always seemed to cause problems when they were blown. Now quarries, they were much easier. Still, he was being paid good money to blow up thistunnel, so blown up it would be, his own thoughts on the matter would have to be set aside.

The Turbines on the Spectrum Helicopter whined into life. As Captain Grey carried out the pre-flight checks, Scarlet helped the ambulanceman to carry the unconscious form of the President and lay it in the passenger cabin “Phew!” he panted. “You people really earn your money, having to do this all day.”

“It’s nice to be appreciated.” Mick smiled.
“Can I give you a lift back to Geneva?” Scarlet shouted over the roar of the helicopter lifting off.

“That’s very kind of you,” shouted the ambulanceman in reply.
As the sound of the Helicopter faded away, they climbed back into the S.P.V.
Scarlet’s epaulettes flashed green “What is it, Lieutenant Green?” he asked as his microphone dropped into position.

“We have located the Mysteron Grayson,” reported Green. “He is currently testifying in the trial of the Colonel, Captain Blue and Destiny.”

“Of course!” Scarlet was triumphant “Why didn’t I see it before?”

“See what?” Green was confused.
“This whole trial is a Mysteron plot. They find Colonel White guilty of trumped up charges and have him executed, using our own judicial system and by carefully laid propaganda, render Spectrum useless.” “Lieutenant,” he asked. “How can we stop the trial?”

“New evidence is the usual way,” replied Green or failing that, a Presidential Order, dropping all charges.”

“If I’m right, they won’t listen to any evidence that won’t suit them.” said Scarlet “So It’ll have to be the Presidential Order. Tell Doctor Fawn that he’s got to find out what’s wrong with the President, quickly. In the meantime, I shall return to Geneva and attempt to rescue the Colonel. I shall take the Tunnel route, so I’ll be out of contact for about twenty minutes.”

“S. I. G.” acknowledged Green.
Another sign had been erected in the mouth of the tunnel. Once more splintered wood flew in all directions as Scarlet drove the S. P. V straight through it and into the tunnel. Had Scarlet read it, he might have considered taking the mountain route. Instead of the previous TUNNEL CLOSED, this sign had borne another message, abrupt and to the point: DANGER: DEMOLITION IN PROGRESS.
“Thank you Senator, you may step down.” Grayson smiled at Black’s instruction. He was sure that his evidence would drive the last nail into Spectrum’s coffin. It was a pity that his star witness, the President, had been rescued by Spectrum. He scowled at the memory of the chase. Fortunately, his Mysteron masters had helped him to evade capture and brought him here to testify. He stepped down from the witness box.
Black turned once more to the Judge “My lord,” he began “With the aid of my final witness, I shall prove that Colonel White has been the mastermind behind this conspiracy. Before I call him, I would like to say that he is a serving member of Spectrum.” This revelation caused a stirin the gallery. Blue and Destiny looked at each in amazement. White stood, his face emotionless, his whitening knuckles the only clue to the cold, silent fury within. Who could betray Spectrum in such a manner and more importantly, why?
The muttering from the visitors quickly grew in audibility until Kemsley rapped sharply with his gavel. “Silence!” he roared. A deathly silence descended upon the chamber. “Very well.” Kemsley informed Black “You may proceed.”

“Thank you.” replied Black “This Officer who has given many years of service to Spectrum has turned State’s Evidence because of his revulsion at the tyranny exhibited by Colonel White. Tyranny! Whoever the Judas was, White would personally kick him out of Spectrum. He’d personally overseen the setting up of the organisation and there was no way he was going to
see it destroyed by a traitor from within.

Black had finished his preamble. “I now call the Officer to give his evidence. Captain Scarlet.”
White and Blue looked at each other in horror. Their most trusted of allies, so often risking his life for his colleagues now so callously turning against them. It was unbelievable.
“Captain Scarlet!” Destiny’s voice, pleading, appealing to him, carried across the court-room.
The figure climbing to the witness box ignored her. “Silence!” snapped Kemsley. Destiny fell silent.
Black began his questioning.
“O. K.” ordered Baxter “Sound the alarm.” Obediently, the site foreman pressed a button on the console in front of him. The moan of the siren echoed over the site as the workers made for safety. When satisfied that no-one remained in the tunnel, the foreman cut the siren. The last echoes died away and silence descended as Baxter connected the detonator.

“Detonating in…three…two…one…” said Baxter. As his finger reached for the detonator button, he became aware of a sound emanating from the
tunnel. His finger jerked away from the button but the circuit had already been made. As the first rumble of the explosion reached him, he became aware of a silvery-blue shape appearing at the tunnel mouth, a shape which sped away split seconds before thousands of tons of rock filled the tunnel. Open mouthed, Baxter and the foreman watched the S.P.V. as it disappeared into the distance.

“How is he doctor?”
As soon as the helicopter had landed, Captain Grey had escorted the President to the Sickbay where Doctor Fawn had begun an exhaustive examination in an effort to find the cause of and more importantly, the cure for the President’s illness. Grey had waited patiently until it appeared that the doctor had finished before asking the question.

“Physically, he’s fine.” replied the doctor “But it appears that the President has been under a phenomenal strain. I would say that it’s a miracle that his mind hasn’t snapped altogether.” He put down the syringe that he had just used. “I’ve heavily sedated him.” Fawn explained. “It’s essential that his mind is rested before we can question him. You ought to go and get some rest yourself – you look exhausted.”

“Yeah, perhaps you’re right.” agreed Grey. It HAD been a long night. With that, he made his way to the Room of Sleep.

The Prosecution’s questioning of Captain Scarlet had, at first, been relatively harmless, basic facts establishing his credentials and background information concerning his career prior to joining Spectrum
Captain Blue turned to Colonel White. “I don’t get it, Colonel.” he whispered. “Why is he helping the Prosecution.”

“I don’t know, Captain.” White hissed through clenched teeth, “But I’ll have his commission for this.” He turned his attention back to the court proceedings

“Now, Captain,” Black prompted “Will you tell the court about the plan to kidnap the World President?”

“Captain Brown and I were detailed by the Colonel to take the World President to New York, where he was to be held at the Spectrum Maximum Security Building.”

“Can you prove this?” asked Black

“Yes sir.” replied Scarlet.

In response to a request from the Prosecution, a large video screen had been lowered from theceiling. After a moment of static, the picture cleared to show a picture of the Cloudbase Control room. White was seated at his desk. He reached over to his controls and pressed buttons to
open communications links with Captains Scarlet and Brown
“Captain Brown, I’m putting you in charge of this mission.” said the Colonel.
“Yes sir .” replied the unseen Captain Brown.

“I don’t understand, Colonel,” Blue whispered “How did they get the transcripts?”

“Scarlet obviously went to the records centre.” replied White. “His pass would have given him clearance to extract any information he felt fit.” Their gaze returned to the screen.
The scene had changed to the Maximum Security Vehicle. Inside, Brown and the President were
in conversation.
The M. S. V. pulled up outside the Maximum Security Building and Brown led the President
inside. They entered the lift to the underground chamber where the President was to be kept.
To White and Blue, the next scene was all too familiar
The two figures on the screen were now sitting on either side of a desk. The world President tried to make conversation. Brown made no reply. The President tried again “Captain Brown…” the President ventured “Captain Brown are you all right?”
Captain Brown sat motionless in his seat, like a waxwork. Suddenly, a wisp of smoke appeared from his clothing. Then another. The President reached for a button on his desk. The wall behind him swiftly opened upwards, his seat swept back out of danger and the wall closed just as Captain Brown’s body exploded, completely destroying the building.The screen went blank.

“So you see, members of the Jury,” Black said as he turned to face them “Colonel White notonly instructed Officers under his command to kidnap the World President, but one of thoseOfficers attempted to kill him.”
White could stand no more. “I object!” he thundered. “That evidence has been distorted.”

“Are you denying that it was you who appeared on the recording?” asked Kemsley.

“No sir, but…” began White

“Then your objection is overruled.” snapped Kemsley testily.
The Clerk of the court frowned once more. He’d attended many cases at which Kemsley had presided. This was totally different. It was almost as if a double had taken the old chap’s place. A double with no interest in seeing that justice was done. Fuming, White sat heavily on the chair that had so far remained empty.

With a squeal of brakes, the S.P.V. pulled up in front of the Hospital.
“Well, It’s been nice meeting you.” Mick said as the hatchway opened and his seat was lowered to the ground.

“Thanks for your help.” Scarlet replied.
Captain Ochre, already alerted by Scarlet’s radio call, stood waiting as the ambulanceman released his harness and stood up.
“I’ve sorted the crash out with your control, so you needn’t worry.” Ochre informed him. “There’s a pot of coffee waiting for you in the Cafeteria.” he added as he strapped himself into his seat which then jacked itself back into position.

“Thanks. Good luck.” Mick called after them as, with a spurt of gravel, the S.P.V. sped away towards the Hall of Justice.

Black continued to question Scarlet The sense of betrayal was too much for Blue. He leaned over to the Colonel. “If we get out ofthis alive,” he whispered in cold fury “Indestructible or not. I’m personally going to find a way to kill Captain Scarlet.”

“We have to face facts, Captain.” the Colonel replied, a little calmer now, “It’s obvious that the Mysterons have regained their hold over him.”
The original Scarlet had been killed in a car crash. Although the Mysteron influence had been shaken off by the fall from the Car-Vu, the body that had been taken back to Cloudbase had still been that of the Mysteron duplicate.
White had always had to consider the possibility that some day the Mysterons might, once more, reassert themselves. This had obviously now happened.

Destiny said nothing. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

“The court will now adjourn.” Kemsley announced as soon as Black had finished his questioning.

“What about the case for the defence?” asked Blue

“You will be heard after the recess.” snapped Kemsley. “For all the good it will do you.” he thought to himself

“All Stand.” the Clerk of the Court ordered, relieved that he could go outside for a breath of air- the atmosphere within the chamber was electric. He had a distinct feeling that there was moreto this case than met the eye. The Court rose and waited for Kemsley to leave before, themselves, leaving the room. The guards led Blue, White and Destiny back to their cell.

The S.P.V. came to rest at the foot of the steps leading to the Hall of Justice.
Scarlet had already released his harness before the hatch was fully open. “Come on!” he called to Ochre as he sprinted up the steps.
Ochre, laden with Mysteron detector and gun, following, saw Scarlet stopped by a Security Guard. Scarlet was obviously in no mood to be interrupted. With a blow to the jaw, the Guard spun round and collapsed unconscious, his helmet rolling down a couple of steps before coming to rest. Without waiting for his colleague, Scarlet ran inside. The entrance hall was huge, ornate columns reaching up from the marble floor to the high vaulted ceiling above. Signs indicating the various court-rooms pointed in all directions. A court official, busied on some errand, made to walk past.

Scarlet grabbed his arm. “Excuse, me,” he said politely “Can you tell me where the trial of the Spectrum Officers is taking place?” The man looked as if he had a problem believing what his eyes were telling him.

“Come on man, tell me!” Scarlet snapped.

“Th-that one”, he said, pointing towards the closed doors of the main court.

“Thank you.” replied Scarlet, releasing the official. The official scurried away, still disbelieving the evidence ofhis own eyes. He had seen identical twins before, but they had never quite been as similar as that.

Scarlet quickly made his way to the doors. He was about to press his ear to the dark oak panels when he was overcome by a deep feeling of nausea, worse than any he had previously encountered. Slowly he began to sink to his knees. At that moment, the door opened. Scarlet looked up. He blinked with disbelief. There, framed in the doorway was… himself!

Weakly, Scarlet felt inside his coat for Blue’s gun, but the Mysteron had already drawn his own pistol and taken aim at Scarlet’s head.

The Mysteron smiled coldly. “The Mysterons have modified this gun.” he informed the kneeling Scarlet. “It will destroy you as you have destroyed us in the past.”
His finger tightened on the trigger. Scarlet closed his eyes in defeat “Goodbye Captain Scarlet.”
The high pitched whine of an electron gun filled the air.

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