Vodka (Breathless II)

1st December 2011

TAGS: torture, violence WARNINGS: contains realistically described torture scenes and considerable violence Vodka Nineteenth century word from Russian, diminutive of voda … water Chapter 1 His hip was sore. It was a jagged pain that gnawed him, made him grit his teeth against the ache, the unaccustomed bite of razor-sharpness. He lay still, very very still, trying to focus, to recall. And as his head cleared, as the memories sorted…


One Red Square

1st August 2011

It was so cold that her breath whispered in the clear, night air and the snow crunched sharply under her feet. A big fat moon, skewered upon the spike of St. Basil’s Cathedral’s central core, vied for attention with the bright, modern lights the square lately had acquired. She walked briskly from St. Basil’s towards the red brick building of the State Historical Museum, less garishly lit and exhaling its…


Moonlight & Vodka: dragon

1st August 2011

Sometime in the late 70’s in Moscow.   Fix me a drink, make it a strong one, Hey comrade, a drink, make it a long one, My hands are shaking and my feet are numb, My head is aching and the bar’s going round, And I’m so down, in this foreign town;   Alec Freeman downed another double vodka shot, his smile never reaching his eyes but the drunken Russian…