The Hot Seat

1st September 2015

  The Hot Seat By Kevin Goodman He ran his hands over the emerging stubble on his face. He’d been sitting at this damn desk, for how long now? Ed made it seem so easy, so natural. Alec Freeman glanced down at the ever-expanding pile of reports, requests and other minute details that the running of SHADO required. He looked over at the drinks dispenser, wondering if it was time,…


First Impressions

1st September 2015

A serious look at ‘The Responsibility Seat’ In the Carlton boxed set of UFO dvds, The Responsibility Seat is listed as the tenth episode, and indeed it was the tenth episode to be filmed, with production starting on August 21st 1969. However, the ‘film order’ of UFO was never clearly established and the Century 21 UFO synopsis for ITC has The Responsibility Seat in seventeenth place in the list –…