Visitation Rights

1st September 2011

She looked up when a shadow moved through her peripheral vision. No business being there, the sightdogs all accounted for, no one else in the house. No one. Figment of her imagination that was. With a sigh she bent to her task again. It was hot, and humid, one of those summer days she did not much like. “What do you listen to there?” She was startled and her mood…



1st September 2011

The letter waiting on her bed looked crumpled and grubby, yellowed with age. She switched on the bedside lamp, shrugged out of the heavy habit and hung it in the wardrobe. Clad only in her shift, she sat down with a sigh of relief, ruffled her short hair, then picked up the envelope and held it under the meagre light. Not a handwriting she was familiar with. Scrawled, immature letters…


Straker’s Age

1st August 2011

Straker’s Age By: An Delen Dir, Lightcudder, Aquaboi, Colin M. Taylor, James Killian, dragon & spousal unit …or a Logical, Canon-Based Early Biography This is the result of several weeks’ worth of diligent, serious research, and two months of careful planning and much brainstorming, some with civilian, but most with official sources. Every basic fact about the US Air Force has been verified to being possible, even if only theoretically….


One Red Square

1st August 2011

It was so cold that her breath whispered in the clear, night air and the snow crunched sharply under her feet. A big fat moon, skewered upon the spike of St. Basil’s Cathedral’s central core, vied for attention with the bright, modern lights the square lately had acquired. She walked briskly from St. Basil’s towards the red brick building of the State Historical Museum, less garishly lit and exhaling its…