Month: March 2011
Company Vehicles
Dear Dr Jackson, I was absolutely thrilled to be selected for a position in the security section of SHADO, and I was even more delighted to be told that I would be getting a company vehicle as well. I had hoped for a top-of-the-range Aston Martin, but was informed that this was not in the list of vehicles available for use by my department. I have now taken delivery of…
Dear Dr Jackson, I have been advertising for a new flat mate for the last few months, and despite all my posts on the Staff notice board, I was unable to get anyone suitable until last week. My new flat mate appeared to be perfect, (although I was hoping for a tall, blond, blue-eyed Virgo, without success). However, I have just discovered that the person with whom I am now…
The Shepherd – Lamb to the Slaughter Prologue and Chapter 1
Prologue & Chapter 1 Thursday 06.36 The dim light in the alleyway pooled down onto the huddled figure. Late at night, in this less salubrious area of London, there were few late-night revellers. Not even an insomniac dog-walker. But the man had been spotted nonetheless. It was dealt with in the usual efficient manner. Photographs, forensic evidence, SOCO’s. Processed, collated, labelled. Then the body removed to the central morgue for…
Virgil Tracy: One Hour
2.20 – 3.20 a.m. The mantle clock, an old family heirloom, was chiming half past as he quietly navigated the obstacle course that was the lounge at night. Half-past. So that meant it was actually twenty past. The clock had never run on time. However much they adjusted the pendulum up or down it always seemed to run ten minutes fast. Virgil made his way silently past the piano, his…
Chris Thompson’s Art
Moonmobiles My names Chris Thompson. I live in the murky backwaters of the city of Belfast, on the dark side of Northern Ireland. I’m an independent filmmaker and student. I’ve been a Gerry Anderson fan for the majority of my life. One of my favourite designs from UFO were the seriously underused Moon mobiles originally designed by Mike Trim. The components for the models were created in Google sketch-up. Small…
The Green Man Pasture (PG-Version)
“The lower pasture is flooded.” The voice was unfamiliar. Ed Straker looked up to see … he blinked. In an uncharacteristic gesture he rubbed his eyes and wondered when the last time he’d slept was. The … being … was still there, hovering about two inches off his desk top, surrounded by monumental, for it, gossamer wings. ‘I’ve finally cracked,’ he thought, nodding to the incensed small entity. She lowered…
05.48 hours I knew I was going to have to tell her sometime today, but she was still asleep when I pushed back the covers and, muscles stiff and aching, sat on the edge of the bed. Not enough sleep last night. Not enough sleep most nights really. Nightmares do that to you. Make you afraid to sleep, to close your eyes in case they come for you. It was…