• The Man Who Came Back
  • Conflict: the episode
  • SHADO CON:  Links
  • The Future Is Fantastic
  • December issue

Convention Poster

Size: 32 inches by 48 inches. I was given this at the end of the Convention – not an easy thing to transport back home especially as I was travelling through London and had to get four trains! My rucksack was loaded with goodies such as Alan Shubrook’s wonderful ‘Century 21 FX Update’, the excellent Graham Bleathman book ‘Inside the World of Gerry Anderson’ and the new Marcus Hearn book…


Fords linker Schuh

Eine UFO Erzählung von Lightcudder translation by Toria Keith Ford sah sich mit gerunzelter Stirn in der Mensa um; um die Mittagszeit aßen die meisten Kollegen hier und es war kaum ein Tisch frei. Er hatte keine Lust, sich mit dem medizinischen Personal zusammenzusetzen, die eine Vorliebe dafür hatten, sich während des Essens über ihre Arbeit zu unterhalten. Es gab noch einen Tisch, an dem erst ein Platz besetzt war….


Fluff – A Christmas UFO Story

First posted in Lightcudder’s World: Dec 2013.) ( I don’t normally do fluff. I hate fluff. So does Straker now.)   ‘Go away Colonel. You can see I’m busy.’ Alec Freeman let the large box rest on the edge of the desk. ‘Just for tonight. I borrowed it from FX for the party at Janice’s and I’m going to Moonbase in a couple of hours. No time to take it home….


The Virginia Monologues 8

(Set shortly after The Long Sleep)   Her   I’m not surprised he walked away so abruptly. Any normal man would have. After all, it wasn’t a pretty sight was it? Lying in that bed looking haggard. Age can do that to some people if they don’t make an effort, though of course I look after myself properly. No wrinkles for me! A lengthy and strict regime of daily cleansing…


The Future Is Fantastic

The following is a transcription of the interview held on the afternoon of Sunday Oct 4th 2015 in the  Holiday Inn, Maidenhead. Commander Straker wishes to thank Lightcudder.   Cmdr Straker: Thank you Ltcdr, for agreeing to this interview. I hope you can help show the Herald readers what a great event this has been, and perhaps give us some insight into why Fanderson Conventions are so very popular. (sounds…


Shepherd 5: Laired. Chapters 1 and 2

Chapter 1 Even underground, the pale coloured  walls were cold.  Condensation trickled down to pool on the floor before disappearing through the  narrow gaps between spongy tiles. A  splash of  sharp scarlet attracted the eye to the suits that hung on racks, their silvered helmets arrayed  in rows above and a low thrumming resonated through the floor and  walls from the machines that worked to keep the room habitable. If…