• The Man Who Came Back
  • Conflict: the episode
  • SHADO CON:  Links
  • The Future Is Fantastic
  • December issue

The Green Man Pasture (PG-Version)

“The lower pasture is flooded.” The voice was unfamiliar. Ed Straker looked up to see … he blinked. In an uncharacteristic gesture he rubbed his eyes and wondered when the last time he’d slept was. The … being … was still there, hovering about two inches off his desk top, surrounded by monumental, for it, gossamer wings. ‘I’ve finally cracked,’ he thought, nodding to the incensed small entity. She lowered…



05.48 hours I knew I was going to have to tell her sometime today, but she was still asleep when I pushed back the covers and, muscles stiff and aching, sat on the edge of the bed. Not enough sleep last night. Not enough sleep most nights really. Nightmares do that to you. Make you afraid to sleep, to close your eyes in case they come for you. It was…


On Safeguards, Respect and Contributions

Safeguards The publication of the second issue of The Ed Straker Herald is further evidence of the groundswell of support that is spreading through the UFO community. However, it brings with it some concerns. As the publisher of this broadsheet, I have a moral obligation to our readers to ensure that  our publication  has safeguards built into it. The good news is that this issue  now provides two discrete sections….


Writing Good Fanfiction Part 2

Settings and Situations A serious look at places and people, and how lack of research can lead to some ‘painful’ situations! So, you have your ingredients, all properly weighed and measured, now you need to prepare them. Get out the chopping boards and the sharp knives! (and you might just want to check that your first-aid kit is handy!) What has that to do with Fanfic you might ask? Well,…


Fan Fiction is Hard to Write

By: Catherine Rain I’m tired of hearing that fanfic is easier to write than original fiction. It’s not a training ground for beginners. It’s not a kit with all the parts pre-cut. Well-done fanfic is harder to write than original fiction in a handful of ways, which I am going to rant about.     1) The boundaries of what you can decide to do are less flexible. Any story…


Becoming Straker’s Secretary

Dear Dr. Jackson, I would like to become a SHADO secretary, preferably in the stead of Ms. Ealand. Unfortunately all my requests were turned down so far. Can you help me?   Dear Writer, I do understand your frustration. I  also  had to struggle to achieve my goal of working for the Commander. However, I do wonder if your wish  to become his secretary stems more from your innermost hidden…